Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Okay, so I'm not going to pussy foot around this brilliant invention.

Again, thanks to our bikebike fan club we've just received news of the most brilliant beer delivery system.

No more double fisting, ladies and gents, cuz we've found a solution!

This could have helped this gentleman on his bike tour in Copenhagen, but it's not too late for the rest of us!

Introducing.. get ready for it.. the 6 Pack Frame Cinch sold on Etsy! Also featured on one of our fave bike blog's, bikesnobnyc, these leather holders are the pièce de résistance in hipster bike-ology.
Originally designed for bike polo aficionado's, this handy tool could be exactly what a bikebike rider needs on a hot summer afternoon.

This brings me to today's question of the day.

Is drinking and biking as faux pas as drinking and driving?
Why or why not?


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Things our friends contribute.. PS. WE'RE BAAAACK!!

Let's face it.. we wouldn't be anywhere without our friends, riiiight?

Well here at bikebikemtl, we have been fortunate enough to have some of the best 'researchers' (aka. friends) helping and contributing their bike fetishes daily. From Cole Haan to Kate Spade (yup, our friends are classy) EH, MTL? we've collected some bikealicious material to shower you all with, and that's not all..

..we've got news..

WE'RE BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a long hard Montreal winter, we've busted out our rubbers and are ready to take this city by storm.. question is:

????? tell me..
..what's your poison..

Hope you all will enjoy our manly bamboo bike post (thanks to Cole Haan) and danty cruise-worthy, lady-friendly post (Kate Spade, on t'aime) and please.. stay tuned for one hell of a summer.. 2011.. this is THE year!